"The best program I have come across in a long time."
- Brad G.B on a sister program

Make or break
any habit.

Become the person that you aspire to be - one habit at a time.

All we need from you is skin in the game.

Join the challenge.

Quick. Simple. Shockingly effective.

How it works

1 Set a goal.

Set a measurable daily goal.

Bad: read more
Good: read 10 pages

2 Track it daily ...

Mark each day as a success or failure on the app.

Due at 11:59pm.

3 ... or get charged*.

* It’s ok to fail the goal, but you have to log it.

You are charged a penalty (to charity, not us) if you don’t.

Supercharged by community.

You're grouped with peers on the same journey.

Your progress is shared with each other.

You support, inspire and learn from each other’s mistakes.

Why it's free

Completely changed my life. It's actually kind of mind-blowing to think it's only been a month.

A month ago I was struggling with procrastination and addiction. I was actively aware that the things I was doing were detrimental to my goals but it was like I didn't care, I didn't have any discipline at all.

Now here I am being so productive I'm scheduling my days down to half an hour and can really see my goals becoming more obtainable by the day. I've been through some shit this past month but it's nice to finally be on the other side with insanely positive changes.

Dylan T

Money where our mouth is.

Free to join. Pay if you benefit

It's free to join. Pay us at the end if you see improvements.

Plus, your penalty goes to charity (not us), unlike other accountability platforms.

That means we only succeed when you do.

It was just the push I needed.


We hold you compassionately accountable.

Our secret ingredient

Let's be honest. You need accountability.

If you didn't, you wouldn't be here.

The thing is - other accountability platforms charge you when you fail a goal.

We think that's unfair and heavy-handed.

We’re not like them.

We want you to succeed.


Conflict of interest

Since they make money when you fail, your incentives aren’t aligned.


Your best interests

Your penalty goes 100% to charity. We don’t profit off your failure.

We only give a gentle push.


Too strict

They charge you every time you fail. This doesn’t work. Sometimes, life comes in the way and you need flexibility.



We only charge you if you don’t track your progress. Success or failure, we believe there’s always something to learn from it.

Why it works

I feel like my life has changed for the better already.

Self compassion has been a game changer for me. I was carrying so much baggage from past failures, from underachieving. It's so frustrating when you really WANT to do better, but can't seem to. It's even worse when people you love start seeing you as lazy, unmotivated, as a loser who cant be bothered with making an effort. It's been tough. I honestly believed that there was something broken inside me.

I am working on my processes. I am forgiving myself every day. I have belief in myself for the first time in forever. I am being kind and patient with myself.

Arnold M

Why Habit Gym works.

The 4 Cs


1% better every day makes you 37 times better in a year.

We help you show up, day after day.


Setbacks are inevitable - don’t beat yourself up over them.

Instead, we help you learn from failure.


Everyone needs a gentle push sometimes.

That’s why we hold you (compassionately) accountable.


You aren’t alone on this journey.

Our community is a place to support and learn from each other’s mistakes.

This has been the best program I have come across in a long time.

Brad G. B.

Ready to reinvent yourself?

The world is your oyster

Your new habits will make you happy, healthy and more effective. Your vices will have less of a grip on you.

You will prove to yourself that you are capable of change.

Sustain your progress and the possibilities are endless.

I feel that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.



Program Overview

Set your own start date and duration.

Free to join. Pay what you want at the end.

Daily tracking only takes 1 minute.

Due every night by 11:59pm (any TZ).

$10 to charity (not us) for each missed check-in*.

* It's ok to fail the goal - you are only charged if you don't log it.
Keep it simple and measurable, e.g read 10 pages.

Dates don't work? Join the waitlist.

Still have questions? Check out the FAQs.


The program is free to join. Your credit card will not be charged upon registration. However, we need your card to donate to charity on your behalf only if you don't complete the program. This increases your chance of success by 600% by adding skin in the game.

Nope. As long as you complete all the check-ins on time, you won’t be charged. We believe in self-compassion, understanding and self-love over anything else, including hitting external goals. Sustainable growth and success not only starts with those things, but it requires them.

The check-ins only take a minute to complete - you can do them whenever, but they are due every day by 11:59pm (any timezone). That’s it!

By default, it goes to GiveDirectly. We are not affiliated with them. If you have another preference, please email us at team@themoai.org.

The program is focused on application, not theory. There will be very limited content and just enough structure for you to grow at your own pace.

No. To minimize our bookkeeping and legal costs, we do not provide tax receipts.

In order to reduce the number of transaction fees incurred, we accumulate the contributions and make the charitable donations en masse during the holiday season at the end of each calendar year.

Shoot us an email at team@themoai.org!

Wall of Love

What people say about our habit-change programs

"Completely changed my life. It's actually kind of mind-blowing to think it's only been a month. A month ago I was struggling with procrastination and addiction. I was actively aware that the things I was doing were detrimental to my goals but it was like I didn't care, I didn't have any discipline at all.

Now here I am being so productive I'm scheduling my days down to half an hour and can really see my goals becoming more obtainable by the day. I've been through some shit this past month but it's nice to finally be on the other side with insanely positive changes."

Dylan T

"I feel like my life has changed for the better already. Self compassion has been a game changer for me. I was carrying so much baggage from past failures, from underachieving. It's so frustrating when you really WANT to do better, but can't seem to. It's even worse when people you love start seeing you as lazy, unmotivated, as a loser who cant be bothered with making an effort. It's been tough. I honestly believed that there was something broken inside me.

I am working on my processes. I am forgiving myself every day. I have belief in myself for the first time in forever. I am being kind and patient with myself."

Arnold M

"I am proud of my mental health progress of being able to love myself more and be more forgiving. I have never been able to talk to myself as a close friend. I used to only reprimand myself. But now, I am finally able to give myself the time off when I need, which I am very proud of.

My biggest vice was my phone. My relationship with my phone changed in the sense where I do not feel like I am held captive of it as much as last time. I am now able to spend less time on my phone without feeling lost."

Kels M

"I feel that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to."


"I feel better about myself and actually motivated to continue working on focusing on myself for a change."

Nicole K

"I have been able to let go, take some time for myself, and check in with myself about how I'm feeling and what I need."

Nicole F

"Like many, I've been struggling with motivation throughout the pandemic and was having a really hard time getting it together. To my surprise, I found this program incredibly effective and helpful. It enabled me to put positive habits into place that I continue to this day. I recommend it to anyone looking to add structure or new habits into their life."


"I am much more consistent in making space for "me time". I also learned to listen to myself - both my body and my mental state - and be more attuned to how I was feeling and why. Through the insights I gained from the program, I feel more equipped to make changes to adjust and optimistic about my ability to maintain my progress."

Vice President, Google

"It successfully shifted my focus from hypothetical grand plans to smaller actions that make an impact in the present. As a result, I am better at disconnecting from work and exercising more frequently. I am also more excited and committed to my self-care compared to a month ago."

Director, Google

"It transformed my sleep and phone habits - I feel very healthy now. 8 hours of sleep with no phone time in bed is my new normal and my screen time has gone down by 30 percent."

Director, Google

"My brain feels less foggy and more relaxed. Learning to be kind to myself in the face of failure has been a HUGE step in allowing myself to grow and develop better habits."


"The program plants the seed of habit reformation into your mind -- and even if you don't see the results and tall, green stock you're chasing, it's still taking root and subtly encouraging you to keep trying -- and reminding you that it is possible to create change for oneself."

Phil Fry

"It was just the push I needed."


"The no-judgement, pragmatic approach Simon uses provides a very positive community of other folks who are also prioritizing themselves and their personal outcomes."


"I'm spending less time on my phone in the evening and this has given me more time to work on my goals."

Jesse Esposito

"I think if you're willing to look at yourself properly, you can see where motivation and behaviour comes from. Good work. Really helpful program."


"My self-image is much better, and I think the program helped—just being able to let go of self-judgment for failure, even a little, let me open up to other ways of doing things and taking care of myself rather than my perception of what I should be."


"I have had 3 cigarettes in the last week, despite all the work stress. I'm extremely proud of myself."

David V.

"I feel like [my vices] don't control me as much now, and when I do indulge I am much more conscious of my choices - which allows me more chances to turn away from my vices and towards my work."

Greg B.

"My biggest improvement is that I've stopped aiming for perfection. I used to put off work just because I felt I need to get everything right in the first try, but now I tell myself that its okay to make mistakes and not get good marks."


"This has been the best program I have come across in a long time."

Brad G. B.

"I don't feel as compelled to check my phone any more. Lots of improvements - I've been regluar with my exercise and diet, and I'm getting a lot of large chunks of reading done.

I find myself much happier - I don't need to do specific things or meet a goal to be happy, I can be happy anyway."


"Felt like I was entirely controlled by my vices a month ago and now it feels like I’ve regained some power over my own mind and body.

I’m proud of myself for finishing the program — first time following through on something in a while! It made me feel good to see it to the end and to celebrate the small wins. Thank you."

Andrew K.

"If you want to stop procrastinating and understand the reasons why you are procrastinating in the first place, you definitely must attend this program (and read everything Simon writes)."


"I have much more self confidence! I understand myself more than I ever EVER have."

Kenzie J.

"I have more focused work sessions, I have a higher self esteem. I have to say the community has played a part in that as well.

I feel confident and able to achieve my long term vision. I understand there are people who are just like me - who beat themselves up as much as I do - and that has given me a sense of belonging."

Al G.

"I gave myself unconditional love and self-acceptance of a caring parent when I was feeling down this week. It is awesome to feel calm, safe, and relaxed! Almost like a switch flip.

I am better with food and over-eating!

I was able to do a mega productive work session when I planned it all out, focused on important stuff."

Nick M.

Not ready yet? Join the waitlist.

Be the first to know about future programs.

Issues? Reach out for support.